Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday Around the Web

Hi all. Hope your holiday season is going well. I'm stuck in car-buying hell right now, so as you read this I'm probably back out car shopping. Say a little prayer that Saturday is the last day I have to do this and that I manage to come home with a car.

But I wanted to leave you with some fun things around the web I've found this week. The first two come courtesy of Jon Jordan at Crimespree Magazine. This is the only time I will look like I have ANY semblance of rhythm. (Warning: do not drink while watching.) For your enjoyment, here are some of the Crimespree Gang...or as Jon calls us, the Crimespree Elves. And then here we are in the hip-hop version.

I'm very excited for Brad Parks and the mention of FACES OF THE GONE here. Congrats to Brad; so well deserved! Obviously they heard me raving about this book and got with the program - just kidding.

Since I'm having car-buying issues, I was over reading this article Tom Schreck wrote a couple years ago. There are actually two articles at this link: the first one dealt with the driver's manual and made me cry, I was laughing so hard. And right now it's good to laugh-cry, because I really want to cry-cry this process is so painful. If you have the urge to read some more of his articles, you can find them here.

Hilary Davidson has her "Undying Love" short story available at The Feral Pages. I'm so looking forward to her debut novel in 2010.

Some folks have started to post their favorites lists. I'll be working on mine soon, as all the books I have to read now are '10 publications. But until I get my list up, you may want to check out Lesa Holstine's list or Oline Cogdill's or Sarah Weinman's or Dick Adler's. Here are Marcus Sakey's favorite reads from this year. Micheal Koryta is even mentioning his favorite reads from the second half of the year.

I hope everyone's holiday season is going well, and if I don't see you back here before, have a wonderful, wonderful New Year!

Happy Reading!


Lesa December 19, 2009 at 7:46 AM  

Happy New Year, Jen, and I hope you have a good day car-shopping, and end up with the right one for you. What a horrible job. Good luck! (And, I'll be waiting for your favorites list! Thanks for the link to mine.)

Lesa -

Naomi Johnson December 19, 2009 at 5:45 PM  

Hope you get a new pony soon. Being without transport is really stressful. It might be different if we lived where there is a decent mass transit system. But there's no such thing in Ohio. Our cities were built so that cars are compulsory. And it stinks.

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