Saturday, September 6, 2008

August Reads Recap

O.k., it only took me a week to get around to this post. But here is my wrap-up of my August reads:

Envy the Night (Michael Kortya)
Hold Tight (Harlan Coben)
Laguana Heat (T. Jefferson Parker)
The Book Thief (Markus Zusak)
Chasing Darkness (Robert Crais)
Sarah's Key (Tatiana de Rosnay)
Hollywood Station (Joseph Wambaugh)
Angel's Tip (Alafair Burke)

I also listened to A Death Without Company (Craig Johnson) on audio, but I'm planning to read the physical book, so I'll include that one after I've read it. I'm still working on Do No Harm (Gregg Hurwitz). It's not that Do No Harm is a bad book, not at all. It's on my mp3 player. I use to listen to it each day during my hour walk, but I've recently taken on a walking partner. Somehow I think she would find it rude if I listened to my book while we walked! ;) So listening on the mp3 player is going a bit slower than usual.

This month's reads didn't include any books I owned prior to 2008, so I have to get back on track with that goal this month. Maybe I'll try to get to Marley and Me. I saw a movie preview for that one, so I want to get it read before the movie comes out. I'd also like to get back to some of Michael Connelly's early stuff. I have a lot of catching up on Harry Bosch to do! And like so many other readers, I have that OCD condition that requires me to read the books IN ORDER!

Corey asked me in a Comment the other day what I would drink if I was out with Elvis Cole and Joe Pike. First of all, I'd probably be so excited and nervous, I wouldn't be able to drink ANYTHING! I'd babble on and on stupidly, I'm sure. LOL I'm no connoisseur of beer...of any alcohol for that matter - I'm so uncultured, but Corey says that Elvis's Falstaff isn't all that...maybe we could concoct some Mexican dishes with Frank Garcia's tortillas and then have margaritas or sangria? Or maybe, since Elvis likes gin we could have Cat's Eyes. I've never actually had this drink, but I thought it might be appropriate for Elvis! ;) If Joe and I were just hanging out...I'd like to go walking/hiking and have a water or sports drink.

And for those of you who might think I'm off my rocker...this is what I mean by character. Crais has made these characters real enough for me to discuss having a drink with them. That's GREAT character development!

Have a great September of reading!!!


le0pard13 September 6, 2008 at 10:13 AM  

I can assure you, it's not crazy (Craisie, perhaps) when you've read all of RC's books/series to imagine what you'd have as a drink sitting down with Elvis or Joe. RC has developed 'real' characters in his universe. As someone who lives in L.A., I drive by the gun shop on Washington bl. in Culver City (as I take my kids to their martial art class) every Sat and always look out for an old style red Jeep near the place. Heck, it's too easy to spot the places Crais has written about, especially if you drive a good bit around here. Even though I drink very little these days, I'd take the Falstaff, if it was Elvis or Joe handing it to me...

Corey Wilde September 6, 2008 at 11:48 AM  

If Pike handed me a Falstaff I wouldn't have the courage to say no, thanks!

Jen, I have to say, the tortillas and margaritas sound terrif with those guys! Easy to keep it veggie, too, so we don't offend Joe. I'm big on not offending Joe.

Let me know how you do with that Gregg Hurwitz book. I tried reading 'Trouble Shooter,' never could get into it. Everyone says 'Crime Writer' is da bomb, though.

Jen Forbus September 6, 2008 at 12:03 PM  

Corey, I LOVED Crime Writer. The title caught my eye at the library and I picked it up...had never read Hurwitz before and was floored. It'll be in my top 10 for this year. Do No Harm is definitely good, but no where near what Crime Writer is.

I also think it is a good idea not to offend Joe. Maybe if the guys make it out East our way, we'll hook up with them for some tortillas and margaritas! :)

Michael - I can't help but think of Joe whenever I see that red Jeep. I always try to sneak a peak at who exactly is driving it! :) I can't wait to get out to Southern Cal and see some of the places RC writes about. I'm excited for April already!!

Corey Wilde September 7, 2008 at 8:35 AM  

Thanks, Jen, one more for my list.

I'd love to see LA. I've been to San Diego, once and briefly, and loved it; but LA has always impressed me (thanks to Crais and Connelly and Chandler) as a whole 'nother animal.

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