Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some Reminders

Sorry for the little silence there folks. I'm slipping behind a little and am trying to do a little catch-up this weekend. I've been spending some time working on the scrapbook to go with the 6-word memoir project. I'm very excited about this book, it's off to a good start but there's still a lot more to do before Indy in October!

This summer has been an exquisite one for reading. I can't get over all the fabulous books I've had the pleasure of reading the past few months. And I have a rather daunting stack still waiting for me. I've got a few reviews to catch up on as well; some books I'm very excited to tell you all about. In addition we have some fun guest posts coming up, some fun interviews, more backlist titles and of course more 6-word memoirs! Speaking of which, the memoirs will be posted on Tuesday this week, don't forget. We have another great batch of writers hangin' out with us sharing memoirs this week.

In other reminder news. This Tuesday is a big day for releases. I wanted to remind you about three of them. A BAD DAY FOR SORRY by Sophie Littlefield comes out this Tuesday. I'm so excited about this book. Sophie is just a magnificent, fun writer. Also up is THE SIEGE by Stephen White who, of course, was one of our memoirists last week. Looking forward to another great work from him. And finally, THE SILENT HOUR, Michael Koryta's fourth Lincoln Perry novel will be available this Tuesday.

And to continue with the Koryta reminders, those of you who live near me here in Northeast Ohio, we have the luxury of THREE stops on Michael's book tour. August 11th he will be at Fairview Park Public Library. You can register for that event here. On August 12th he will be at the Rocky River City Hall Umerley Center. There is no registration required for that one. And finally on August 13th he will be at the Bay Village Public Library, and you can register for that event here. If you're in the Columbus area, hop to it! Michael is at Foul Play Bookstore on Wednesday...yes, THIS Wednesday! The three events here in NE Ohio are at 7:00 p.m. and the Columbus event is at 6:00 p.m.

Another Ohio event to announce...mark your calendars, I'm so excited! Tim Hallinan is going to be at Foul Play Bookstore on September 23rd! He has an exciting presentation about Bangkok, the setting of his Poke Rafferty novels. And of course, he'll be talking about BREATHING WATER, the third Poke Rafferty thriller. If you can make it, I hope you'll be there. I certainly will!

And my final reminder is simply to remind you to vote for your favorite book bloggers. You have until August 15th to get your votes in for the 2009 Book Blogger Appreciation Award nominations. And if you're a book blogger and you have registered yet, what ARE you waiting for? So, registration here...nomination voting here. EVERYONE and ANYONE can put in their nominations. You need not be a blogger.
That's all she wrote for today. "She" will be back tomorrow with a new backlist title. In the meantime...happy reading!
Bouchercon countdown: 74 days!


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