A Winner and Around the Web...
I've been saying "it's freezing!" for several weeks now because once the temps fall below about 50, it's freezing to me. But this weekend, it was officially freezing in Northeast Ohio, with temps well below 32. Winter's coming and I'm ready to hibernate; how about you?
But, before I do, I have a winner to announce. Congratulations to Leslie from Pennsylvania who won the signed Duffy Dombrowski series. Her books will go out to her tomorrow. I threw all the winners in a hat and Tom drew Leslie from the many entries. This was my biggest giveaway -- response-wise -- to date, so I appreciate all your enthusiasm, and I hope you will check out Tom's books if you didn't win them. I discovered ON THE ROPES through the library, so check there. If your library doesn't have a copy, you could make a suggestion for them to purchase one. I know things are tight with library funds all over, but it never hurts to put in the request. If you're looking for a place to buy Tom's books, remember that THE BOOK HOUSE is going to host his signing on Saturday. You can order a book through them and have it personalized if you wish. I know my friends at The Mystery Bookstore or Mystery Lovers Bookshop would be more than thrilled to special order them for you.
And again, I have to thank Tom because he truly went above and beyond and that's what made all of this fun.
I'm so behind in reading blogs myself. I've been trying to get to my regular haunts and catch up a little at a time. If I haven't been by yours, I'm getting there, I swear! I'm in the midst of shopping for a new car (YUK!), refinancing my house (YUK!), preparing for the holidays -- too rushed this year, and finishing up some things to submit to Crimespree Magazine (O.k., o.k., that's always fun for me; I admit it.). Speaking of which, if you're looking for a good Christmas gift for your crime fiction fan, a subscription would be a great stocking stuffer, don'tcha think? You can get a subscription here.
If you haven't already been over to Pop Culture Nerd's site to see her interview with Robert Crais, YOU MUST GET THERE! This is hilarious and I'm utterly envious, of course. You're guaranteed to laugh. And if you wouldn't mind entering the contest to try to win me those post cards, because I KNOW you're looking for an Xmas gift for me and all. That would be perfect! ;) In reality, she has a contest where you can win a copy of RC's upcoming THE FIRST RULE or a set of post cards that PCN made of locations in L.A. from his books. Both very cool prizes!
Elsewhere in the blog-o-sphere, I wanted to welcome a very good friend of mine. Naomi Johnson is now a co-conspirator...I mean, a co-contributor with Corey Wilde over at The Drowning Machine blog. If you haven't been over to welcome her, I hope you will take a minute and do so. She's an amazing writer, a fabulous person, and I know you'll enjoy her posts. I didn't think it could be possible for The Drowning Machine to get better than it was, but Corey is a smart cookie!
My friends over at Criminal Minds are multiplying these days. They've taken on some new regular bloggers. Have you been over lately?
And finally, I want to share with you this project that a fellow blogger-friend of mine initiated. There was an active blogger who passed away far too early last year. I did not know her personally, but believe me when I say I have felt her influence in the blogging community. In honor of her, Lisa, a.k.a. Online Publicist, has put together The Dewey Tree project. You can read more about it here, but I thought it was Fate or God or whatever you want to believe in acting in a mysterious way. I told you not too long ago about my other friend Tina's book collection project for the hospital - these two projects go hand-in-hand. So, I hope you'll take a look at the project and consider donating some books you no longer feel you can't live without to a good cause. I have my stack ready to go for Tina, but you can donate anywhere. Everyone can benefit from the gift of reading!

Thanks for the link and plug, Jen! (Wait, did that sound kinda racy?)
I'm envious of Leslie from PA. May I please have her home address so I can pay her a nice and friendly, um, social call? Thanks.
Whoa Win Lockwood! No need to get excited yet. Because Santa might just be bringing you a surprise. You never can tell! ;)
SANTA'S BRINGING ME A PRESENT?! How will I sleep? Is it a hamster? Tiara? Robot dog?
I'll go outside right now to wait for his sleigh, cold weather be darned.
I, too, have to give a big thumbs up to PCN's interview of Crais. It's a laugh fest.
Thanks, Jen, for the shout out for Naomi. I'm still trying to get her to write a review for me. She suggested instead that she use a check box with the options Loved It, Liked It, Didn't Care For It, and New Brand of Toilet Paper. I had to nix that.
PCN, I hope you're not out freezin' your tootsies off! A hamster? Aren't those kinda smelly critters? And I can't believe you don't already have a tiara!! :) Santa will bring you something better than all those things...even the robot dog! Do robot dogs have to watch out for robot coyotes near you?
Corey, that's hilarious...a check list. I especially like the last option. I just gave up on my first book this year - it was for book club. It would definitely fall into the "new brand of toilet paper" category! Glad I didn't buy that one. Could just return it to the library.
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