Wednesday, June 23, 2010

You've the Right to Six Words - Week 6

It's that time of the week, and we have another fun line-up of memoirs to share. But I had to go back and count. Six? Really? We've had six weeks already? Seems like we just started this back up again. Holy Moly. I typically try to include a newer member of the crime fiction community each week, but this week we have three old pros at this writing game.

I'm really not sure how our first memoirist found time in his life to write, but I'm sure glad he did. ROBERT FATE, born Robert Fate Bealmear, is a Marine Corps veteran who studied at the Sorbonne in France, rough necked in the oilfields of Oklahoma, fashion modeled in NYC, sold show scenery in Las Vegas, and cheffed (I know, I know it isn't a word, but work with me here) in Los Angeles. As a Hollywood F/X technician, he earned a coveted Academy Award for Technical Achievement. Yes, that's right, Oscar lives in Bob's home. Oscar and Bob both live in Los Angeles with Bob's wife, a ceramic artist, and his daughter, a senior at USC. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Baby Shark series: crime adventure in 1950’s Texas with a young, female protagonist. Last fall brought the fourth book in the Baby Shark series: BABY SHARK'S JUGGLERS AT THE BORDER. But Bob is veering a bit from his norm with the next book; he's working on a standalone with a male protagonist. He has a dog, two cats, and a turtle named Pharrell. There are folks who consider the Baby Shark series to be hard boiled crime fiction. But Bob says he writes

Cozies with a few brutal murders.

Whatever classification you tuck them inside, they're wonderful and enrich the whole genre.

Our next memoirist has an equally impressive resume. While I'm not sure what Duane Swierczynski's cookin' up in his kitchen, in the world of writing he's cookin' up just about everything. He's published fiction, non-fiction, AND comics. He's worked in the magazine world, the newspaper world, and the book world. Been in the editor's seat and the author's seat. His most recent professional announcement is his upcoming trilogy to be published by the newly announced Mulholland Books, Little, Brown's mystery/suspense imprint. In addition, Duane will be the new Black Widow writer beginning with issue #6 in September. So this is all the near future news on Duane, what the heck's going on in his present? Well that would be his stunning release, EXPIRATION DATE, from St. Martin's Minotaur. This Philadelphia dad knows who he is and what it takes to be a successful writer, no matter the format, but for everyone else he says,

My last name confused them all.

The name might confuse folks, but the work amazes them. Just give Duane a little bigger book so all the letters fit boldly on the cover!

Finally, wrapping up this week's memoirs is a man who's worked as a lawyer, a spy and an executive. Barry Eisler spent three years with the CIA before moving on to the role of technology lawyer and start-up executive in Silicon Valley and Japan. In 2002 he freed himself from the corporate binds and began writing full time. Best known for his John Rain series, Barry gave life to a new protagonist, Ben Treven, last year with FAULT LINE. Next week, the sequel, INSIDE OUT, will hit the bookstores. Appropriately, Barry has won the "Barry" Award as well as the Gumshoe Award for Best Thriller. His books have been translated into almost 20 languages and Sony Pictures Japan released a film version of his debut novel, RAIN FALL. Barry holds a black belt in Judo and lives in California. Obviously he has no regrets about his choices in life as the six words he's chosen as his memoir are:

Organizations, bullshit; rather work for myself.

Since he landed at number 18 on the New York Times Bestseller List with FAULT LINE last year, I think I can safely say that a lot of readers out there are glad he'd rather work for himself!

Once again, my heart felt thanks go out to our memoirists this week. None of these authors knew me from Adam...Eve?...whatever...but they enthusiastically jumped right in and agreed to participate. And they sure know how to make a gal feel appreciated. Thank you gentlemen! I know I do not speak only for myself when I say we so greatly appreciate your contributions to crime fiction. Write On!

And thanks to all the readers for stopping by. This would be no fun at all without you! Thanks for sharing it with me. Same time next week?

Happy Reading!

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kathy d. June 23, 2010 at 6:12 AM  

What a blog! Very well done.

Those are my two cents, or six words.

Beth F June 23, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

Love these!!!!

Naomi Johnson June 23, 2010 at 9:42 AM  

Love this collection! These made me laugh today.

Tania June 23, 2010 at 4:55 PM  

Those are all great! The one from Mr. Swier...err, Duane especially made me laugh.

Lesa June 24, 2010 at 7:56 AM  

Oh, come on. Bob Fate does NOT write cozies, not matter what he thinks. Love you, though, Bob!

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