Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You've the Right to Six Words: Week Four

Annnnnnnnnnnd...we're back for Week Four of Season Two in You've the Right to Six Words. I love that this week's memorists are going to showcase the diversity of the crime fiction genre. Most people are familiar with the mainstream mystery and the thriller novel. Those are the ones we see most often in the Wal-Mart or our local grocery stores because they're often on the New York Times Bestseller lists. But what about noir, graphic novels, horror? They all have a place in the over-reaching crime fiction genre. These three authors today make sure we maintain quality in those sub-sets of the genre.

Starting off this week we have a writer who's first dream was to be a baseball player. Jason Starr's dream to be a baseball player led him to read more sports magazines and baseball cards than books as a child. But his freshmen year in college ignited his desire to be a writer. His writing started off as play writing. But an early interest in film noir eventually brought Jason to the crime fiction world. Last year he released his ninth novel, PANIC ATTACK. In addition to his solo novels, Jason has written three Hard Case Crime novels with Ken Bruen and in January of this year, he published his first graphic novel, THE CHILL. This year Jason also wrote a five-part comic series of JUSTICE INC, called WORST NIGHTMARE. All of these experiences contributed to Jason's memoir of

I lived a very noir life.

Christa Faust grew up in New York City and earned a college degree, but she credits her work writing novelizations and tie-ins as her most beneficial education for writing. She prefers privacy for her writing as opposed to a public location like a coffee shop. Her work writing novelizations forced her into a more structured writing style, and while she doesn't get as detailed in her own personal writing, she's writing much less by the seat of her pants these days. That structure in her private setting produced the novel that was acknowledged with nominations from almost every award possible in the genre: MONEY SHOT. The follow-up to this Edgar-nominated sensation is CHOKE HOLD which will make its debut in March of 2011. In her own words, Christa is "older than you think and younger than I feel." She enjoys vintage shoes and vintage books and this is her "birthday month." She's going to celebrate in style all month long. So how would the birthday girl sum it all up?

Read pulp.
Wrote pulp.
Need more.

Thanks goodness because the crime fiction community needs more from Christa Faust, too.

And wrapping up this week's memoirists we have a writer who's been making a lot of noise in the industry lately. Joe Konrath, a.k.a. JA Konrath, is the author of the Lt. Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels thriller series and the editor of the THESE GUNS FOR HIRE anthology. When Joe isn't writing his novels or short stories that have earned him Anthony, Macavity, Gumshoe, Dagger and Barry nominations, he occasionally teaches writing and marketing at the College of Dupage. He also maintains an award-winning blog about publishing called "A Newbie's Guide to Publishing." Joe shook the publishing industry a bit last month when he announced that his seventh Jack Daniels novel, SHAKEN, would be published by Amazon's publishing imprint, AmazonEncore, since his long-time publisher Hyperion closed their mystery line. SHAKEN will first be available in the Kindle Store in October of this year followed by a print release in February of 2011. In the meantime Joe's sixth Jack Daniels novel CHERRY BOMB is available this month in paperback. Taking the publishing industry by storm,

He's everything he thinks he is.

And that is never, ever boring!

Thanks so much to all the authors participating this week. Another round up of great authors sharing with us this week. What I like best about this week is the representation of the diversity in this genre. These three authors are a bit of a microcosm of the genre. Genre's may be defined by rules and expectations, but the authors writing in crime fiction like to push, pull, and color outside those lines. And we readers get to benefit.

Happy Reading everyone!

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le0pard13 June 9, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

Love that black flower on Christa! Thanks for this, Jen.

Maria Alexander June 9, 2010 at 8:23 PM  



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