BBAW - Future Treasures
The Internet has afforded us the opportunity to meet and know many people we would never have had the chance to meet otherwise. And you can ask most any person who talks with me face to face on a regular basis, I've most definitely discussed books with them. The Internet just gives me more people to tell about wonderful books. It gives me a community of people who will discuss the finer points of books when I want to hash out thoughts and ideas.
Sometimes the blog can feel overwhelming. More requests and books come in than one person could ever deal with on a hobby basis. But the reality is that I love reading; I love talking about books; blogging has become my passion and it's opened doors for me I wouldn't have otherwise had access to. Blogging has introduced me to like-minded people far and wide. I don't intend to give it up any time soon.
What does the future hold for Jen's Book Thoughts? I'm not sure at this point. I want to keep things as fresh as I can, so I'm always scouting for new ideas to use on the blog. Don't hesitate to offer up suggestions if you have them. Can't make any guarantees, but I'd love to hear ideas. Next month I will moderate my first ever Bouchercon panel. And I have a panel full of amazing authors, so if you're going to Bouchercon I'd love for you to attend our panel - 11:30 on Thursday. It's called "Dead or Alive." Then I believe I will also be moderating a panel at Murder and Mayhem in Muskego for the first time, and that will be in November. I really want to work on developing more video for the blog. But what will always stay consistent is that books and their authors will be remain the focus, and as long as folks will talk with me about books, I'll be here!
Thank you for your constant support and to all the book bloggers, HAPPY BOOK BLOGGER APPRECIATION WEEK!!

and a HAPPY BBAW to you. :)
Happy BBAW to you, too, Jen. And, since I'm not participating this year, what award did you just win? Whatever it was, I know you worked hard, and deserve it!
May you continue reading great books!
Here is my BBAW: Forgotten Treasures post!
Your blog is fabulous just the way it is! We all look up to you!! Oh, and congratulations on your award - it was well deserved.
An award and a Bouchercon moderator?!? Both are well deserved, Jen. Congrats!
Hearty double congratulations, Jen!
Stopping by with congrats for your win of best thriller, etc., etc. blog! Keep it up, girl!
You do a great job on this blog. It is very creative.
It is amazing how you think up so many new ideas, and implement them.
It is a lot of fun to stop by your blog daily and see what's new.
Thank you for all the nice comments and congrats. I'm "thrilled" to be honored by the blogging community!
Craig! Thanks so much :-) Your congrats mean the world to me.
Lesa, Kathy and Kathy thank you so much. You are all regulars around here and I love talking books with you all. It wouldn't be the same without you - you make it work!
Thanks Michelle! So happy to have you visit :-)
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