Crime Writers Caught Recommending Crime - Day 10
Sheila Lowe is usually busy looking at people's handwriting. Her forensic work as a handwriting expert has translated into her Claudia Rose series. But today she's looking at Tami Hoag's latest book, DEEPER THAN THE DEAD.
Why is Sheila recommending this book above all others this holiday season?
"Tami Hoag writes such terrific novels of suspense that I will commit to reading her next book, whatever it may be. Ever since a bookstore owner friend of mine recommended A Thin Dark Line, I have looked forward to diving into everything Tami has produced. My all-time favorite is Ashes to Ashes, whose ending actually had me shaking. The characters she creates are so well drawn, their dialogue so real, the plotting so intricate, that in addition to enjoying reading her books, as a mystery writer, I do my best to study and learn from them. That’s not as easy as it sounds. Tami’s writing quickly hooks me into the story and I forget about studying. So that’s why I was reading her latest book, Deeper Than the Dead, and I hope you will, too."

As for my recommendation on Day 10, I want to offer up a book that will undoubtedly make my favorite reads list this year, A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS by R.J. Ellory. QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS was published in the U.S. in 2009. I listened to it this year on audio. Both the audio and the narration are chillingly beautiful. The language, the setting, the characters, they all seep into your spirit and you become a part of the story. If you missed my review, you can see it here. I have been recommending this book to everyone since I read it and I think it would make a magnificent gift.
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