Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stuff to Check Out

I have a couple fun items to share today. The first is a chance for you to win a book. We always like those around this place! During the holidays, Stephen Coonts was a guest blogger for me. Well now you can enter to win a print copy of his newest book, DEEP BLACK: DEATH WAVE, which is due out February 1, 2011. The folks over at Command Posts are giving away five copies, so head on over and stick your name in that drawing.

The next item is a site called Top Suspense Group. I just learned about this group of nine established authors who are making it easier to find quality e-books on the web. While at first that may not seem like a big thing, wait until you pay for your first unedited book. I own an e-reader, but I'm very apprehensive about buying e-books for it. Not because I don't like to read on it, but I feel like if I take a risk and it turns out to be a dud, then I really have nothing to show for it. I can't sell the book or give it away or use it to prop up my wobbly table. But if it's an author I already know or books that have already proven themselves in print, I'm taking less of a risk. And while I won't have a book to sell or giveaway or prop up my table, I won't feel as though I've wasted my time and I'll have the experience of enjoying the read. I guess that's why I think this group is a great idea.

The site includes noir, crime, mystery, thriller, horror and Westerns from Max Allan Collins, Bill Crider, Lee Goldberg, Joel Goldman, Ed Gorman, Vicki Hendricks, Paul Levine, Harry Shannon and Dave Zeltserman.

Lastly, if you are a reader in the Cleveland area, I have three events in the near future to tell you about. First will be Michael Koryta. He's at the Crocker Park/Westlake Barnes and Noble on February 3rd at 7:00. Next, Lisa Black will be at the Fairview Park library on February 10th at 7 and finally Noah Boyd will be at the Brecksville library on February 11th. For the two library events they ask that you register, so I've included the links of where to go to register.

Sunday I will be in Milwaukee to see Robert Crais with my Crimespree family. If you're in that neck of the woods, do not miss RC! A fun time will be had by all.

That's it for my news today. I'll be back tomorrow with a new audiobook review for Audiobook Thursday. See ya then. Happy Reading!


Naomi Johnson January 19, 2011 at 8:50 PM  

Robert Crais. Milwaukee. I am NOT jealous. I am NOT jealous. I am NOT jealous.

Naomi Johnson January 19, 2011 at 8:50 PM  

I am so!

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