Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Look at What's Going On...

In all the traveling craziness lately, I haven't done a look at what fun things are going on around the web. So I thought I'd share what's come across my computer screen today and then you can share other things YOU know about in the comments!

Brilliance Audio has a podcast with Iris Johansen about her upcoming suspense novel, BONNIE.

Things are gearing up for the Murder and Mayhem in Muskego conference. You should really try to come if you can. I mean, look at this awesome lineup!

And speaking of conferences, don't forget that you can register for Bouchercon 2012 now. It's in my neck of the woods next year, and if you register before the end of the year, you can get a $25 discount.

Don't forget to go and nominate your favorite 2011 crime novels in the Independent Literary Awards! I'm part of the committee reading and voting on the short list, so nominate a good bunch of books for me to choose from. Make my job VERY HARD! :-)

Those of you looking forward to Stephen King's 11/22/63, Simon and Schuster are posting audio samples on Mondays and Fridays through October 24th. 

Todd Ritter has his Magical Mystery Tour going on right now. If he's in your area, stop out and say "hi." Buy a book and you could be a big winner!

Tama Ryder is making her debut with a memoir about Len Lesser who passed away in February. You probably know him from Seinfeld as "Uncle Leo" but he has also had character parts in many television crime dramas, including Hardcastle and McCormick (remember that one?), The Rockford Files, The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries, Simon & Simon, Remington Steele, and more.

Mark Harmon's role as Lucas Davenport in a TV movie adaptation of Certain Prey was announced earlier this year and it's set to air on November 6th. I'm wondering if I should watch this. I'm a huge Harmon fan; Davenport, not so much. Wondering if the movie might change my feelings about Sandford's character.

It isn't coming out until December, but I'm reading Craig McDonald's EL GAVILAN right now, and I can't recommend highly enough that you check this book out. It's just...WOW! You'll hear more about it from me later, but in the mean time, check out his website and here's the trailer for the book.

This is a book that will come in under the 2011 wire and make my favorite's list. Few books are able to keep me up past my normal bed time these days, this is one of the exceptions.

O.k., your turn. What do you have to share for the good of the order?


Naomi Johnson October 18, 2011 at 8:11 AM  

I finished EL GAVILAN, and as usual, I just sat back and admired McDonald's talent.

I want to watch the Certain Prey film, me being a Lucas Davenport fan. Sandford is winding that series down in preparation for his own retirement. There might only be one (or two at most) more Davenport books, unless the author changes his mind.

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