Friday, March 25, 2016

Where Jen's Book Thoughts' Readers Are Reading

I'm running a little behind this Friday, but for good reasons that I will share as soon as I can. But I hope you all are enjoying a grand end to this week. One more in March, how can that be?

But let's not go down that path, instead, let me welcome a special friend--again, one I met through the avenues of Jen's Book Thoughts--who has become near and dear to my heart even though geographically she isn't quite so near. Many of you, hopefully, already know her as blogger/reviewer/freelance editor/Craisie Pop Culture Nerd. (I hope she has a rack for all those hats!) She's been a world traveler recently (is there space on the rack for this new hat?) so her submission reflects that. Here she is, my good friend reporting in from down under, Elyse:

I thought it'd be fun to show myself reading where an author lives instead of where I live. Michael Robotham, one of my favorite crime-fic authors, lives in Sydney, Australia, so this was the perfect novel to read while there (the book comes out in April in the States). Close Your Eyes made for a good traveling companion--engrossing and never complaining!


Pop Culture Nerd March 25, 2016 at 12:39 PM  

I love this feature and read it every Friday, so I'm thrilled to be part of it.

Thank you for the kind words, Jen. Besides having lots of hats, I have many voices in my head, too. Today I think I'll be Dirk.

I shudder to think if you hadn't started blogging, we may not have met. The horror!

Have a great weekend!

Naomi Johnson March 25, 2016 at 7:52 PM  

Great photo. Sydney Harbor -- can't get any better than that. Oh, wait. Add in PCN -- it gets way better. Love the hat, too!

Unknown March 26, 2016 at 8:47 AM  

What a great feature, especially reading the Author from their home. And the hat is fabulous!

Pop Culture Nerd March 28, 2016 at 4:21 PM  

Thanks for the comments about my hat, Naomi and Heather! It's actually my dad's. I forgot mine so Dad let me borrow one of his. I never gave it back.

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