Friday, May 27, 2016

Where Jen's Book Thoughts' Readers are Reading

Happy Friday everyone! For those who are observing it, happy Memorial Day weekend. I hope everyone has a nice book or two to enjoy this weekend.

Today I'm excited to welcome a friend to the blog for Where Jen's Book Thoughts' Readers are Reading. And again, I owe my friendship with her to the blog. So many connections made through this funny phenomenon.

Sarah White also sent me her picture during the winter months, but it's a bit different from last week's. ;-)

Coming to us from Florida, Sarah says this is her favorite place to read.

As a post script she told me, "I moved here for a reason in 1984. Record blizzard in DC, when it thawed I left." I think I know that feeling well.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone, no matter WHERE you are reading!


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