Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Dinner Party?

Awhile back I read a post asking, "if you could invite two detectives to dinner, who would they be?" The first responder said Elvis Cole and Joe Pike. For the response I chose Elvis and Lincoln Perry. My thinking on this response was that I would be less likely to be left out of dinner conversation if the two detectives didn't know each other. But I also responded that I wouldn't want to have to choose just two. If I were inviting, I'd want it to be a whole dinner PARTY, and I wouldn't limit myself to detectives...that leads to this fun post for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Here's my dinner party. I'm starting out with an invite to Corey and one to Naomi. Why Corey? Well for gosh sakes, he's helping me plan the drinks! :) The rest I'm having catered because if I got this group to my house, I wouldn't want to scare them away with my own cooking! Naomi's invited because she would be as excited to see all these people as I am! We look out for each other when it comes to our crime fiction! :)

Next on the invite list? Of course Elvis and Joe, plus Carol Starkey. Lincoln and Joe Pritchard. Ellie Hatcher, John Ceepak (you know you weren't surprised he'd be here), Walt Longmire and Vic Moretti, Myron Bolitar and Win Lockwood, Mike Chapman, Tess Monaghan, Tempe Brennen, Kel McKelvey, Spenser, Philip Marlowe, Poke Rafferty, Kubu Bengu, Adelia Aguilar (O.k., I'm taking some liberties on this one, but I did with Marlowe as well - it's my dream, it can be however I want it to be! LOL), Milo Sturgiss, John Jordan, Dave Robicheaux and Clete Purcell. Holy Cow! I don't know if my house can hold all these people! Maybe I'll set up tables in the back yard and we can have a picnic. See why I had such a hard time with my character list? Even with this invite list I'm leaving off folks I'd still like to invite over!!

And of course, I'd have a seating chart, with nice little place cards at each seat. I'd want everyone to mingle and talk to people they didn't know - especially moi! :) I can just see Vic Moretti next to Win Lockwood - maybe I better have boxing gloves available!

What would your guest list look like?


Corey Wilde October 5, 2008 at 4:43 PM  

Jen, I'm honored, really I am, that you'd invite me just so's you can flog me into bartending (pause here so you can tell how offended I am) but the truth is that duty can be handled by a detective if only you include Nick Charles on your guest list. When it comes to "shaken not stirred" Nick predates James Bond by two or three decades, i.e. the old boy knows his booze.

Jen Forbus October 5, 2008 at 5:53 PM  

Aww, but Corey, don't the bartenders always end up in the best position to converse with everyone??? See, I was trying to do you a favor! ;)

Anonymous October 5, 2008 at 11:15 PM  

Only detectives? Hmm...Well, it may be pointless to ask Joe Pike, he's not what I'd call a brilliant conversationalist. But Elvis, yes, definitely. And Walt Longmire. I have an awful crush on Clete Purcel but I wouldn't count on polite behavior from him at a dinner party. I'd ask Danny Chaisson, he might at least understand about Clete since they're both from NOLA. Sam Spade, definitely, I'd love to watch him and Elvis chat about work or about anything. I'd have to have Virgil Flowers, but if there are female guests they should be warned. Lincoln Perry, without a doubt. Actually, I think he and Joe Pike might get along, so maybe I'd ask Pike after all. I'd ask Inspector Erlandur, he needs to get out more, the poor dear. And if there's going to be dancing (why not?) then Mac Fontana has to be there. I see I'm short on female guests. Oh, well, I guess I'll get Virgil all to myself then!

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