Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Did you venture out this morning? I did go out to hit the bookstore this morning. I must say, it was a far nicer experience than the year I tried to go to Target on Black Friday. That experience was so discouraging because of people's behavior that I NEVER tried it again and I won't ever try it again.

But, this morning I hit the bookstore where I could get 20% off all my purchases. I found books for three people on my Christmas list, plus a few for me. When I'll actually get to them is the greatest of all mysteries, but I can say I have them now! ;) And isn't that just a wonderfully comforting feeling?

The best part was how civil the folks were at the bookstore. They didn't push or shove or try to run anyone over. They said "excuse me" and "thank you" and "please." As most of my bookstore excursions are, it was a pleasant experience.

My great find this morning was a used copy of Sunset Express on audiobook. I have very few audiobooks because I won't buy abridged versions and most unabridged versions are too pricey for me to invest in. I mostly just borrow my audiobooks from the library. However, I do own a few - all of which happen to be Robert Crais. I like having these ones because they are ones I know I will listen to more than once (who could tire of Elvis?), and they are there for those inevitable times when the new audiobooks I request don't come in before I finish the ones I presently have from the library. I have to admit that I have a hard time driving now if I don't have an audiobook. A good Harry Connick, Jr. CD might be sufficient if I don't have a long drive, but forget about the radio. It can't even come close to being as fulfilling as an audiobook.

I also picked up a couple of Nancy Drew books for my sister to give to my niece. I'm giving her the first Boxcar Children mystery and Mr. Popper's Penguins. But my youngest sister, who is out in California, hasn't seen my niece or nephew in a year and asked me if I would pick up some gifts for her that I thought were appropriate.

So, it was a very successful excursion. Afterwards I headed straight home. That's about as much as I can contribute to the economy today!

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Happy Reading!!


Corey Wilde November 28, 2008 at 2:14 PM  

I bet I've listened to Crais's The Forgotten Man a dozen times. Not only does the story hold up after repeated listenings, but I also get a feel for the construction of the book, something I often don't get when I listen instead of read.

I also love -- prefer even -- to listen to James Lee Burke's books on audio, particularly if the reader is Mark Hammer (now deceased). I think Hammer's voice was the perfect sound for Robicheaux: Gravel soaked in whiskey.

Guess I wondered off point. Nope, I don't do Black Friday. There is nothing out there that I feel is worth the early rising, the crowds, the overheated stores, the stampedes, and general mass stupidity and displays of conspicuous consumption that occur in the retail arena today.

But that's just me...

Serena November 28, 2008 at 4:12 PM  

Our experience has always been that people in Target and the bookstore are more courteous than those in Walmart. But we never shop on Black Friday usually, mostly because I had to work it at the camera shop, but since we went today, I think we will never go again. It was horrendous.

Anonymous November 29, 2008 at 9:58 AM  

I didn't go out yesterday except to take out the trash. And after hearing about the injuries at the outlet mall near Jeffersonville, Ohio, and the death of the Wal-Mart worker in NY who was trampled to death by callous shoppers, I'm happy not to have been a participant. Shoppers are scary animals.

le0pard13 November 29, 2008 at 6:05 PM  

Jen: I actually took the kids and I, my wife went to work, to my brother's home to help him setup his new laptop (his first Mac) for work. But, I usually stay far away from the malls (mostly because all of the cars still looking for open parking spots). However, my better half so believes in Cyber Monday.

Nice to hear that you avoid abridgements, especially with RC's books ;-). I take it you got the Brilliance Audio's version? If you picked up the rare Books-on-Tape version of SE, I'd be so jealous!!!

Corey: I've yet to try a Robicheaux novel, but I've heard there are Mark Hammer aficionados and there Will Patton fans with regards to the audiobook narrator. Have you tried a Patton-read Robicheaux? If yes, what are your thoughts on the comparison?

Jen Forbus November 29, 2008 at 6:22 PM  

Yes, the copy of S.E. is Brilliance Audio, read by David Stuart. My copy of The Last Detective is also Brilliance but read by James Daniels.

I've heard both readers for the Robicheaux novels. I have to say I prefer Mark Hammer. He was incredible. He was also the first reader I listened to, and because he fit sooooo well, he'll always be Dave's voice to me. I listened to Purple Cane Road not too long ago...I think I mentioned it on here...the reader, Nick Sullivan, had too N.E. of a dialect. It didn't fit Robicheaux at all.

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