Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Newwws...

Good Newwws, little fat buddy. Oops, sorry. Little 80s moment there. But, you know how Roscoe was always so excited to tell Boss Hogg his "good newwwws"? Well, that's the kind of excitement I have right now!

This morning I received an e-mail from Chris Grabenstein who so generously contributed another book to the giveaway! He's contributing a hardcover, first addition Tilt-A-Whirl that he will sign for the winner! Let me borrow from my friends Mary and Tom Holland and say, "bless his heart!" How wonderful is that?

So, that means now we'll have THREE winners to celebrate the blogiversary! Pass the word; get those entries in! And thank you, Chris, for your generosity! It makes this blogiversary extra, extra special!

In other good news, if you haven't read this article from the New York Times, it's an uplifting article and hopefully not just a statistical blip. And this article points out a big thing for me now that I have my young nephew, Ryan. It is so important for adult males to be reading and setting the example for young males. They need great role models in this. They need to see that reading is cool, it's empowering. My nephew sees his father and his "papa" (both of whom he idolizes) reading regularly and he so loves his story times. That's the example we need to set for our young people. It excites me that our President-elect is a reader and attention has already been called to that fact.

Let's read everybody!


Thoughts of Joy January 12, 2009 at 6:12 PM  

I just wanted Chris to know that I have Tilt A Whirl and will be reading it within a month or two. I am very excited to get to it. :)

Anonymous January 12, 2009 at 11:20 PM  

What a guy! Chris Grabenstein was my "big" find of 2008. I love, love, love his books. Told my mystery book club about them and they've all read them and loved them too. Can't wait until the next one comes out!

Serena January 16, 2009 at 9:17 AM  

what a generous gift for your blogiversary. Thanks to Chris!

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