Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life's Simple Pleasures

When I get home from work and I'm basically plowed OUT of my driveway - the city has plowed the crap into the apron of my driveway so I can't pull in - it usually puts me in a rather foul mood. So, I had to shovel this evening. Which in the whole scheme of things probably isn't all that bad. They are calling for more snow tonight, so maybe this shoveling will prevent me from having to shovel before work tomorrow. I hope so anyway.

But, the real reason I'm talking about the shoveling foul mood is because in times like this, I remind myself of life's simple pleasures: a mug of hot chocolate, reading on my porch swing on a summer day, snuggling with my furry friends, a card or letter in my mailbox (not bills or junk mail), waking up naturally instead of to a jolting alarm, fishy kisses with my nephew, reading stories with my niece...these are all things that make me smile and appreciate.

Something else that I truly appreciate is listening to one of James Lee Burke's Dave Robicheaux novels read by Mark Hammer. I have listened to quite a few audio books now and these are far and away my favorites. The poetry of Burke's writing coupled with the gritty sound of Hammer's dead-on dialect causes a feast for the senses. Right now I'm listening to Last Car to Elysian Fields. Driving the last few days has been pretty nasty around here, but having this audio book has just had the most calming effect. I climb in my car and turn on the ignition and feel like I'm transported to another place and time. It is truly one of life's simple pleasures.

I'm sad that the readings won't continue since Mark Hammer passed away almost two years ago now. But, I'm thankful for the legacy he left behind in these recordings. I'm going to be keeping my eyes open in the off chance one should possibly show up in a used book store. Not especially likely, but stranger things have happened. These are books I would luxuriate in no matter how many times I listened to them. Life's simple pleasures.


Improvedliving January 15, 2009 at 1:42 AM  

well these are really nice life's pleasures.

Audio Books

Corey Wilde January 15, 2009 at 10:04 AM  

I couldn't agree more. Mark Hammer reading James Lee Burke really is one of the quiet joys in life. When Hammer reads Robicheaux I can taste beignets once again, feel the humidity and decay of NOLA on my skin, hear jazz in the quarter. Bliss.

le0pard13 January 15, 2009 at 1:14 PM  

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Jen. Since I load my audiobooks onto my iPod, it goes everywhere with me. The car, walks, workouts, etc. And when you have a really good book read by a really good narrator, you're in that other world.

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