Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kicking Off BBAW with a WINNER!

Yesterday was the deadline to enter THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE drawing. So with the help of the Random Number generator, we have a winner! To kick of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, it is my pleasure to announce that Lydia from New York is the proud owner of Stieg Larsson's second book in the trilogy. Congrats Lydia!!

To give you an idea of what you can expect here this week for Book Blogger Appreciation Week, I wanted to run down my planned schedule and let you know some thing about the BBAW site. First of all, you can kind of keep track of what all is happening in the whole celebration here. They are going to have plenty of giveaways here, so make sure you're checking there regularly.
Here I will be posting all week, so make sure you're checking back.

Monday: I'll actually have two posts. Please forgive me, I'm not trying to stuff anyone's readers or inboxes and I try not to blog more than once a day, but there are just so many wonderful activities for this week, I couldn't fit them all in the allotted time. First thing Monday morning I have some blogs to recognize who are AMAZING but sadly didn't make the short lists for BBAW awards. I hope you'll stop by and see who these great folks are. If you aren't already reading their blogs, I'm sure you'll want to add them to your list.

In the afternoon I'm going to answer a meme that was actually the topic for Wednesday in the BBAW schedule. However, Wednesday I have an extra-special six-word memoir post, so I've scheduled my meme responses for Monday afternoon. You can find out the dirty details about me as a reader - Yikes!

Tuesday: Last year I participated in the exchange to interview a fellow blogger, and I enjoyed it so much, I decided to do that again this year. I have that to share with you on Tuesday.

Wednesday: The aforementioned extra-special 6-word memoir will appear on Wednesday.

Thursday: A guest blogger will be taking over the reigns. The author of one of the books I raved about this summer will be joining us for Book Blogger Appreciation Week on Thursday.

Friday/Saturday: I have one of the most fun interviews to share with you on Saturday. An author I am so excited to have on Jen's Book Thoughts. She and I chatted it up so long that I need to spread it across two posts. I hope you'll enjoy this interview as much as I did. Heck, if you enjoy it half as much as I did, you'll really have a great time.

So, that's the run-down for this week of celebration of Book Bloggers. I hope you'll visit your favorite bloggers this week and just let them know how much you appreciate what they do. I know that since I started hanging out in this blog-o-sphere, I've gained far more than book recommendations. I've made friends and joined in activities and groups that I never would have otherwise. I've been motivated and appreciated and all that just wouldn't have happened without the entire community. So, let's kick off this celebration!!


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