Friday, February 26, 2016

Where Jen's Book Thoughts' Readers Are Reading

It still amazes me every day. The unforeseen outcomes of this blog--I never anticipated most of them when I started it over eight years ago. The greatest, by far, has been the friendships developed over mutual love of books. Some of those friendships have only ever been virtual; I've met some people at conferences and book events; and some people give me a place to stay when I'm traveling. Like my guest today. Lauren O'Brien has become one of my nearest and dearest friends over the past eight years, even though we live across the country from each other. Lauren's had a bumpy few months...o.k. more than a few...but she found some time to get a picture for our series at her current temporary home. Please welcome my very good friend, fellow book lover and dog lover, Lauren O'Brien!

I have spent my entire life living on the other side of this bridge. Traveled across it too many times to count as my cousins live on this side of it, but until I started staying with Aunt Joy I've never experienced living on the north side. It's quite nice, and although it's a few more steps to go to get to the ocean, I'm still just across the street. So while this isn't where I live, it still feels a bit like home. 

And you can check out Lauren's blog, Malcolm Avenue Review, where she has a wonderful style of book reviewing. I know you'll love her wit as much as I do.

I'm adoring how each person is making this feature their own, reflecting their own creativity and personality. I hope you'll consider sending a contribution as well. I'm excited about the posts still to come and would love to meet some more of you I haven't met before. I'd love to know you're out there and have the chance to say, "hi." Here's the original post on the project. The invitation is still open to one and all.

Have a great weekend everyone and happy reading!


Malcolm Avenue Review February 26, 2016 at 11:49 AM  

I have to laugh at how hard the bridge is to even see in this picture. But it's there, I swear! Thanks for asking me to join in this fun project, it has been so great to see everyone's entry!

Bill Cameron February 26, 2016 at 2:15 PM  

I totally see the bridge! :)

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